I love to expose my kids to vegetables even when they don’t chose to eat them often. This was a great experience for little miss 2 to make! I love that she chose to spread the hummus on the outside of the pita and pile on the carrots and lettuce. Even though she didn’t eat the final product, I ate it and absolutely loved it! She ended up eating a few spoonfuls of straight hummus instead. We will definitely be making these again for lunch even if I’m the only one who enjoys them. This was a really toddler friendly cooking process, except for the part about chopping cucumber with a plastic knife… note to self, it doesn’t work well! Maybe an older child with stronger muscles, but not a success little miss 2 🙂
Here she is trying her best to chop that cucumber. Mom came to the rescue with a sharp knife (out of her reach of course!)
Here she is stuffing the veggies and spreading the hummus. I told her to put the hummus inside but she chose to put it all over the top of the pita pocket.
Now all the carrots in a pile!
Shredding lettuce is a really great job for little fingers! My kids enjoy shredding lettuce for our salads at dinner often. They call any salad “leaves” and like to dip the pieces individually in salad dressing (which we call “sauce”). I’m really happy whatever way they chose to eat vegetables.
Let’s talk about veggies and toddlers. How do you get your kids to eat them? Mister four has always been so picky… but randomly he will try something and decide he likes it (recently, first try of raw carrots and red bell pepper, and he loved them both!). I try to offer a variety but sometimes I sneak them into smoothies and muffins too. Any other ideas??
If you’ve tried making this with your toddler how did it go?
Here’s a fun breakfast idea that your toddler can make! Berry Melon Breakfast Sundae

Veggie and Hummus Pitas
- 2 pita pockets
- 1 small cucumber
- 2 lettuce leaves
- 4 tablespoons grated carrot
- 6 tablespoons hummus
Wash and shred carrot
Wash lettuce and cucumber
Slice cucumber with a sharp knife if needed.
Slice cucumber into thin slices using a plastic knife. Adult assistance probably needed.
Add cucumber slices into pocket.
Spread hummus into pita.
Shred lettuce into small pieces.
Add shredded carrot and lettuce to pita.
Recipe Notes
Adapted from PBS Kids Do It Myself Cookbook by Laurie Goldrich Wolf