Hi! I’m Tessi. I’m so excited to be here! I love hair, nails, makeup, photography and being a mom! Motherhood is my dream come true. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a mom. It’s a real blessing! But, I am also very grateful to have something on the side that makes me feel of worth. I find it’s important to have some time outside of being a mother to develop talents and to try and make a difference in others lives.
Recently, I have been developing a place where I hope to inspire women to become beautiful from the inside out through my beauty tips @tessisbeautytips. I love to share all things hair and makeup there! About a year ago I felt like my daughters hairstyles had become so basic and boring. As a cosmetologist, I knew I could come up with other styles, but it seemed so time consuming, and who has time for that in motherhood? So I wanted to come up with hairstyles that were cute and quick. Simple styles that we could go to every day but that didn’t always look the same.
I have two girls, Quincy who is 4 and Lucy who is 18 months. Quincy was born with an inch of thick dark hair. Since she was 7 months old I have been putting pony tails and braids in her hair! But gradually and especially over the last year we have added to our hairstyles. We now have over 150 styles on our INSTAGRAM @teswood. Since Q is only 4 I try to keep the hairstyles I do fairly quick. Some of the styles take a little longer, 15-20 minutes. But practice makes it faster of course! You can find over 40 tutorials on our Youtube Channel “TESSI WOOD”.
The question we get asked most often is how we get Quincy to sit so still. My tip is to start young, make doing hair each day a consistent thing so that they expect it. With Lucy I just walk around after her while I do her hair, it’s a little trickier, but I keep the style simple and she gets used to it. Quincy now likes to play with little toys or read stories while we do hair. Same thing with boys, use a little pomade or gel on their hair and do their hair every day so they expect it. It gets easier if they know it’s just something we do!
Another tip is to never pull out the elastics, always cut them out to avoid breaking the hair. We use a seam ripper for this and you can see that tutorial below. I hope you enjoy our tutorials! Thanks for following along!
Hi! I’m Tessi. Mom of two girls. Quincy who is 4 and Lucy who is 18 months. Quincy was born with an inch of thick dark hair. Since she was 7 months old I hav…
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1,884 Followers, 433 Following, 790 Posts – See Instagram photos and videos from Tessi | Q’s Hairdos (@teswood)
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Q’s Hairdos. 164 likes · 28 talking about this. Simple. Quick. Hairstyles. For girls of all ages
For you mama’s needing some beauty tips, I also have a beauty page sharing (obviously) tips and tricks including favorite products and reviews!
Thanks for including me here! Excited to follow along, we all need help with those toddlers 🙂
143 Followers, 74 Following, 47 Posts – See Instagram photos and videos from Tessi | SeneGence Distributor (@tessisbeautytips)