A variety of fruit, cut into tiny little pieces. We used strawberries, canned mandarins, canned pineapple tidbits, honeydew, blueberries and grapes. Use what you like or what you have!
A cup of your favorite Greek yogurt
Set your toddler down at a table with the fruit in front of them.
Give your child a toothpick and let them choose which fruit to stab and slide on.
Talk about the colors of the fruit, and observe which are their favorites.
Place a bowl of yogurt on the table for dipping and eating with the fruit.
Sit back and watch your toddler eat fruit and yogurt, and practice fine motor skills and color identification as they snack.
Consider teaching patterns by repeating patterns of fruit.
Consider teaching counting by counting as your child puts fruit onto the little sticks.
Slide the fruit on in rainbow order for a fun variation.
My 2 year old absolutely loved this combo snack and activity! I hope your littles enjoy it too. Give me a shout out if you tried it! What fruit did you use? Hope it’s a success!