This fun and simple project is easy to prepare and a great way to keep little ones entertained while also letting them work on their fine motor skills.
- Yarn or string
- Pretzels, Fruit Loops, Cheerios, and other food with large holes
- Scissors
Let’s get started!
- Cut different lengths of yarn for necklaces, bracelets, and even little rings.
- If you use yarn, tie small knots on the ends of each string so they won’t fray and will be easier to work with.
- Put out the foods with holes and start stringing together your jewelry.
(Tips: Pretzels are the easiest for younger kids to work with and string on their own. If you want to use cereal with smaller holes like Cheerios, try working with your little one in a team. Your child can hand you the cereal and you can string it.)
- Wear, eat, and enjoy!